👋 Hei!
But… I’ve been to Norway two times when I was an intern in Gothenburg, Sweden!
I really ❤️ R package development
Volunteer editor for rOpenSci Software Peer Review
At work, maintenance of rOpenSci dev guide
Created the R-hub blog (👋 guest author Julia!)
Working on the HTTP testing in R book
Easiest way to share code/data/R Markdown templates… with
(future) you,
the collaborators you know,
and the collaborators you don’t.
Jon Calder’s very good wording
To share code (and data)
To leverage existing tooling
To contribute to other packages
Susan Johnston’s wise words.
Can you open R or RStudio?
Can you install a package?
Have you ever written a function in R?
Could you learn how to write a function in R?
You can write a package in R
Pour réduire ses craintes, il faut se dire que ce n’est ni plus ni moins qu’un dossier organisé d’une manière contrainte.
To be less afraid you have to tell yourself that it’s simply a folder organized in a constrained way.
Remember Clippy?
Get to know an actually useful Clippy, {usethis}
and coThe usethis package implements this important principle: Automate that which can be automated. Your computer was literally born to implement rote-but-fussy stuff for you. https://t.co/OfIUzSBlc7
— Jenny Bryan (@JennyBryan) November 28, 2017
Slides, notes from the demo, further resources, comments!
Notes on the course website
Also refer to the Whole game chapter of the R packages book by Hadley Wickham and Jenny Bryan
(and then install)
for all the things.
Writing good code
Writing a good interface
Writing good docs
distributing data usethis::use_data()
packaging a Shiny app (look for examples, and golemverse)
Reproducible analyses, research compendium
If developing a package for wider distribution, check it does not exist yet.
Miles McBain’s post “Project as an R package: An okay idea”
Write them in the Zoom chat, or as a comment in the course website, or as an issue in the course repository.